Audrey's Outreach 
located at 
Brook Park Community Church of the Brethren
16845 Holland Road, Brook Park
Call us: 216-433-1515
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About Audrey's Outreach

       In 1992, Audrey's Outreach began as the dream of Audrey Telep, the founder of the clothing giveaway. Audrey felt there was a need to help those in need by collecting donations and holding a free clothing giveaway. When the clothing giveaway first began, it served averages of 90-100 attendees. The clothing giveaway grew to serving averages of over 300 attendees and was held 4-5 times a year. We now give clothes as needed to pantry users, to people that really need the items.
    Brook Park Church of the Brethren challenged themselves to "Dream Big" and established additional programs including the God's Green Acres (Community Garden), community meals, and the summer meal program for children and seniors. God's Green Acres has produced delicious produce for the past ten summers. 
​​​        In 2011, Audrey's Outreach Food Pantry began a partnership with the Greater Cleveland Food Bank. The food pantry began purchasing much of the food for pantry from the Greater Cleveland Food Bank in 2012.  Audrey's Outreach Food Pantry is the only food pantry in Brook Park and serves people in Cuyahoga County. 

Year 2024 Food Pantry served 9297 families, for a total of 31,405 people!

--Month of January, Food Pantry served 708 families, for a total of 2566 people!
--Month of February, Food Pantry served 652 families, for a total of 2342 people!
​--Month of March, Food Pantry served 555 families, for a total of 1857 people!
--Month of April, Food Pantry served 751 families, for a total of 2606 people!
​--Month of May, Food Pantry served 687  families, for a total of 2369 people!
--Month of June, Food Pantry served 965 families, for a total of 3610 people! 
--Month of July, Food Pantry served  1090  families, for a total of 4140 people!
​--Month of August, Food Pantry served 868 families, for a total of 3201 people!
​--Month of September, Food Pantry served 746 families, for a total of 2557 people!
--Month of October, Food Pantry served 735 families, for a total of 2568 people!
--Month of November, Food Pantry served 745 families, for a total of 2601 people!
--Month of December, Food Pantry served 737 families. for a total of 2643 people!